But there is much more to do if we want to change the course
There were several concerns that Ixonia residents brought forward during the Planning Commission meeting on July 22nd (listed below). The Ixonia Planning Commission board declined the conditional use for a utility in an A-1 zone requested by Dale and Jeanine Griebenow. However, the Ixonia Town Board will review the application again on September 14th @ 7:00 pm at the Ixonia Town Hall (W1195 Marietta Ave). The Town Board can overturn the Planning Commission's decision, so it's important that Ixonia resident's voices are heard! Please come to the meeting if you're able! There will be another meeting when Jefferson County reviews the application (date/time TBD).
Consider signing the petition to show the Town of Ixonia and Jefferson County that we want to preserve the land and protect the residents! https://www.change.org/NoIxoniaLNG
Danger to nearby residents should an explosion or vapor cloud occur due to a leak
Proximity of proposed facility to nearby schools, with Ixonia Elementary < 1 mile away
Discussion re: the Washington State LNG explosion
Preparedness of the Ixonia Fire Department to respond to such an explosion
Location of the facility is on wetlands and near Rock River runoff
Decrease in nearby property values after such a facility is built
Increase traffic and wear on roads
Insufficient security measures in place (including cyber as well as physical)
Ixonia residents assume all of the risks with little reward, since this facility only benefits Milwaukee residents; most Ixonia residents don't use/have access to natural gas
Large tower estimated to be 150 feet will be unsightly
Inadequate search for a better location